
I know it sounds sort of “light in the loafers” – but damn there is nothing better than a Hefeweizen with a lemon wedge. I know the Germans don’t approve of this beer slander. But who gives a “F” – we kicked their Nazi asses back in WWII just so we could destroy their beer with lemons. Anyway, it goes down like water.

Based on my previous post, I am in no danger of becoming a fatty any time soon…so hell, time for another. Besides, this should help my Mom with her worries as to why her son is whilting away. If she only knew there is about a billion other retard cyclists like me in this world that think farmer tans, strength-weight ratios, and deep dish wheels are grandly significant in life. Could be worse…could be crystal meth was my bag. Ok…more beer.

~ by Indy on May 16, 2007.

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